Student Advising and Academic Support Center Advisory Committee
"Poaching in the Open: An Introduction to Fanfiction and Its Genres and Conventions." Presented at RCW 139: Due It Again. 14 August 1997. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
"Right for the Wrong Reasons: Dan Quayle, Murphy Brown, Single-Parent Families, and Television." Presented at the Popular Culture Association in the South Conference, 4 October 1993, Nashville, TN.
"Mutant Romance: The Blurring of Genre Lines in Contemporary Series Romance Novels." Presented at the Popular Culture Association in the South Conference, 5 October 1991, Norfolk, VA.
Professional Organizations
National Council of Teachers of English
Conference on College Composition and Communication
Council of Writing Program Administrators
Awards and honors
Coordinator, The Big Read for Howell County. NEA Grant. $10,000. Application made February 2009. Announcement date April 2009.
Co-Coordinator, The Big Read for Howell County. NEA Grant. $7500. 2008.
Project Director, Missouri Arts Council Grant. "Talking Ozarks Symposium." MAC. $2,500. 2005.
GTE Foundation Grant, $3000 for "A Longitudinal Study of Developmental English Students at SMSU-West Plains." 2000.